Education on the new approach in thyroid surgery
KBC Zagreb, Medtronic Adriatic d.o.o. and Sanyko d.o.o.
- After listening to the theoretical part during the first day of the education the participants got the chance to virtually "participate" in a operation because of the 3D technology.
- They followed the whole thyroid surgery step by step through the eyes of the surgeon in 3D mode.
- All theoretical elements of the surgical procedure were explained by the leading ent-thyroid surgeons and the possibilities of modern surgical technology were presented. The advantages that LigaSure vessel sealing device, Electrosurgical platform, NIM Vital Nerve Monitoring System, new sutures, etc. present in these surgeries were explained in detail.
- Second day of the education was also a practical day where the operation technique and state-of-the-art technology were successfully demostrated in real surgical conditions.